Donation instructions:
No appointment is necessary! Donation
drop off hours are
Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm
Donation drop-off address:
350 e Market St Long Beach, CA 90805
This address takes you to our front doors, donation drop offs are taken from our back door- to get to our back door just drive further down Market street and turn RIGHT on ELM, you will see a small carport to on your right hand side and a black gate, the gate has a doorbell there- please ring this door bell and someone will assist you.
Hygiene Baskets
Hygiene baskets are great welcome gifts for new mothers to arrive in their new new rooms! Some of the mom's literally come into our home with only the clothes on their backs so it's nice to provide them with necessities that will be of use for their stay before they can even ask! Hygiene baskets are a great opportunity if you would like to provide a gift towards the ministry that an individual can donate or a group!
Items inside of the hygiene baskets include:
Small Laundry Basket
Bath Towel, Loofah
Shampoo, Conditioner, Body wash
Snacks-Granola bars, chips, etc.
Hair brush, hair ties
Toothbrush, toothpaste , floss
The fun part about creating these Baskets is that you can customize them to make them however you want! Feel free to add other items just please do not add candles

Love Bags
Love bags are gifts we pass out to women at the abortion clinics, in them, we gift them candy, chips, small water bottles that have our contact information on them, Chapstick, hand sanitizer and fun little goodies! But most importantly we have our information in the bags about our home, other alternatives to abortion, services like Horizon Pregnancy Center which is just down the street. To make these bags extra personal, we include a hand written note of encouragement to these moms, to let them know how valued they are by God and that we truly love them. These are great to hand out at the clinics because it's truly our way of getting our message to women to let them know we are here for them no matter what!
A few of the items for these bags are already at our ministry like the water bottles and literature, everything else can be provided by an induvial or groups! We pass out nearly 20-50 bags a week so the more bags we have the more we give!
Items inside the love bags that you can provide include:
Candy-Large sizes, (preferably not chocolate since it melts)
Chips, granola bars, fruit snacks, etc..
Chapstick's, lip-gloss, knick-knacks
Small hand sanitizer
Personalized hand written note (please do not leave any personal information on the card)
financial policies
1. The Lord has been gracious to the ministry of His Nesting Place over the years and has provided us with the financial resources to do the tasks that are most needed. Nevertheless, He gives and sometimes takes away. If He ever closes the door to this work, we will accept His leading and yield the outcome to Him. Until then, we will devote every ounce of energy and all resources to the tasks at hand – helping women in crisis pregnancy and saving the lives of their unborn children.
2. One of the ways we can discern the Lord’s will regarding the direction of our work is through the support He sends (or doesn’t send) from His people. Therefore, during lean times we will make our needs known to our friends. We will never resort to disrespectful or dishonorable methods of fund raising. When those lean times come, we will make every effort to be sure that we “live within our means” with the firm knowledge that this is the will of God for His Nesting Place.
3. We will not spend money we do not have. We firmly believe that the Lord is capable of meeting all the financial needs of this ministry. When we make a purchase, we will pay the invoice within 30 days with funds currently available, not relying on future anticipated contributions.
4. We will not ask people to support the ministry of His Nesting Place or any other Christian endeavor until their obligation to their local church has been met. We believe giving to the local church should be a priority for every believer.
5. We consider the contributions that we receive for this ministry to have been sent from loving people who have sacrificed to make their gifts possible. Our obligation, therefore, is to spend that money conservatively and as wisely as possible. Every dollar is stretched as far as possible to serve the needs of God’s ministry at His Nesting Place. We are stewards of the trust of God and His people. We take on that task with the full knowledge that we are and will be accountable for the ways in which we handle the financial resources that God has so graciously provided.
6. We will receipt all monetary donations with a letter of thanks for tax purposes. Material donations, such as baby furniture or clothing for women, will be receipted upon request.
7. Moneys given and designed for a specific purpose, within the sphere of our ministry, will be used for that purpose.
8. All contributions made to His Nesting Place are tax-deductible. We have a 501(c)3 status as a church.
9. Some of the people involved with His Nesting Place are volunteers. However, a few individuals who have devoted themselves full-time to the ministry receive financial compensation through Subsistence Salaried Employees. Some of the full-time staff at His Nesting Place receives housing and a small salary to meet their essential living expenses
His Nesting Place in Long Beach, CA believes that the way an organization handles itself in the financial arena is a reflection of its integrity in every area. Therefore, we have established guidelines and limitations on the way we solicit contributions and how those funds and resources are put to use for this ministry. The overriding theme of these guidelines is that money be raised and distributed
for the glory of God.